Only eternity will be able to tell of the wisdom of some decisions we've made.
Why do you fret? Why fear lack? Why are you ashamed of obeying God in the present? Is it because your decision looks foolish to the onlookers? Are you overly concerned about what others will say as you exercise faith in Christ?
Only eternity will be able to speak on the soundness of such decisions; decisions made with courage in the midst of fear; decisions made with great sacrifice, tears in our eyes and a humble heart desiring to please God.
Why be ashamed or embarrassed by the looks of others as you follow wholeheartedly that old godly truth by which our Master also lived?
Only eternity will tell of the wisdom of those who sacrificed friendships or relationships for the sake of God. Only eternity will tell of the wisdom that caused a person to forsake the company of popular because what became popular was in opposition with what pleased God.
Only eternity will speak of the truth that men debated but was clearly written in God's word which some rejected and others fully embraced. Only eternity will divide the sheeps from the goats; those who please themselves and above everyone else, including their Maker.
Only eternity will call favorably upon the names of those who sacrificed the glamor in the present, to identify with the suffering and insults associated with Christ..." He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." (Isaiah 53:3)
Only eternity will be able to speak on the soundness of judgment by which righteous men and women forsake the company of the ungodly, compelling them to turn from their ways to the truth.
Only eternity will be able to tell of the wisdom of those who for the investment of their children, made great sacrifice above all to ensure that their kids knew the Lord; even at the expense of looking stupid before others.
Only eternity will speak well of those who esteemed the reproaches of Christ as greater riches than the treasure of this world--fame, popularity, notoriety, wealth. Great donations and monetary sacrifices made for the sake of the invisible kingdom will echo the sounds better than that of earthly bank alerts that register to our heavenly account.
Only eternity will speak well of those who didn't use "wisdom" as a guise to escape persecution that comes with being associated with Christ but embraced the suffering for loyalty's sake and devotion.
Oh nearsighted believer, don't be discouraged or afraid by the seemingly frightening consequences of today's decisions. Don't be afraid by the things God may be asking you to do. Don't forget there is an existence after this one. You do want your life then to reflect favorably upon what you did with your life here and now.
Only eternity can speak on the wisdom of such decisions.
In God, there will be no "I wish I did, or I wanted to, or the thought came to mind to.." there will only be "I did." By faith I did what was unpopular or uncommon. By faith I chose to live a set apart life. By faith I made the sacrifice of fools yet in my foolishness God's exclusive wisdom was expressed before the world and the powers of the age to come.
God doesn't reward us for what we intended to do but only that which we do. What we do that speaks into the light of eternity is what God will look at. What will eternity say about you? Are you rich in this world but not rich towards God (Luke 12:21). Don't humor yourself by thinking the prayer of salvation makes you rich towards God. If you have no skin in the game, you have no equity before God.
"if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." (Romans 8:17)
All our toils and labors will be useless except that which is anchored and inspired by the light of God's eternal words and instructions.
Good deeds down outside or in the absence of God's eternal light (i.e. His truth, His knowledge) are not guaranteed to be looked upon favorably by God. Remember that Cain made an offering that was not looked upon favorably by God, nor in the light of eternity (Genesis 4:3). You may offer God many things, except that which truly matters. In the end eternity will be silent before you.
What is done out of reverence for God is commendable and that alone (Proverbs 15:33). Good works done without reverence for God may be found as vain in His sight; an offering unacceptable with temporary impact only on this side of eternity.
What will eternity say about you?
